New Features in Dext – Enhance Your Efficiency!

New features in Dext bike

One of our favorite accounting apps is Dext Prepare. We love the ability it gives our clients to upload receipts and manage expenses in their accounting software. Dext Prepare continues to innovate and provide tools that streamline your bookkeeping and accounting processes. Let’s dive into some of the newest features they have released. 

The Supplier Duplicates Button

Managing supplier information is crucial for accurate record-keeping and reporting. The new Supplier Duplicates button simplifies this task by allowing users to identify and merge duplicate supplier records easily.

Key Benefits:

  • Improved Accuracy: Ensures that all transactions are correctly assigned to the right supplier.
  • Time-Saving: Reduces the manual effort needed to find and merge duplicate entries.
  • Cleaner Data: Maintains a streamlined supplier list, making it easier to manage and reference.

How to Use: Navigate to the Suppliers section, and select the Supplier duplicates button. Dext will supply a list of suppliers it has identified as possible duplicates. Select the Merge button to combine the suppliers seamlessly.

Dextension for Chrome

The Dextension for Google Chrome is a game-changer for users who frequently work within their web browser. This extension brings Dext Prepare’s functionality directly to your browser, making it easier to capture and manage expenses.

Key Benefits:

  • Convenience: Capture receipts and invoices directly from your browser without switching between applications.
  • Efficiency: Quickly upload documents to Dext Prepare, reducing the time spent on data entry.
  • Seamless Integration: Works smoothly with other web-based tools and platforms.

How to Use: Install the Dextension from the Chrome Web Store, and you can start capturing and uploading documents directly from your browser with just a few clicks.

Date Corrector

Accurate date information is critical for financial reporting and compliance. The Date Corrector feature allows users to correct dates on uploaded documents, ensuring that records reflect the correct timeframes.

Key Benefits:

  • Accuracy: Prevents discrepancies in your records due to incorrect dates.
  • Compliance: Ensures that all documents comply with reporting requirements.
  • Ease of Use: Quickly update dates without needing to re-upload documents.

How to Use: When reviewing a document in the Inbox, use the Date Corrector tool under the Date field to adjust the date as needed. This ensures that your records are always accurate and up-to-date.

Item Email Trail

Tracking the origin and history of documents is essential for transparency and auditing purposes. In the past, emails with receipt attachments would only retain notes if you entered them between hashtags before uploading them into Dext. The Item Email Trail feature maintains a record of the email trail for each document, providing context and ensuring traceability.

Key Benefits:

  • Transparency: Keeps a clear record of how each document was received and processed.
  • Auditability: Simplifies audits by providing a complete history of document handling.
  • Accountability: Ensures that all team members can see the origin and history of each document.

How to Use: When viewing a document in the Inbox, select the Email tab to access the Item Email Trail. From this tab, you can see the complete history of the document, including who sent it and when it was received. 

Dext Prepare’s features make managing your finances easier. Having an efficient process for saving and matching receipts to the related transaction in your accounting system means that you are more likely to save and be able to find your receipts. These new features make working in Dext better than ever before. 

Interested in learning more about how Dext can improve your accounting? Check out our app spotlight on Dext highlighting more features of this tool.