Category Archives: Bookkeeping

Going Beyond: Expense Management

cactuses expense management

Besides having proof in the event of an audit, how does tracking expense receipts benefit you? At Beyond, our Expense Management Services not only simplify how you save your receipts but also help you use that information to make smarter business decisions. Let’s discuss how this service can enhance your company’s business strategy. Upload The […]

Going Beyond: Payroll Management

blueberries payroll management

At Beyond, we support not just business owners but also their teams. For many small business owners, their employees are like their family. They want to care for them the best way possible, and so do we.  One way we aim to help you care for your team is through our Payroll Management Services.  In […]

How does entering bills benefit me?

entering bills benefits

All small businesses have bills. Many small businesses feel that they don’t want the extra work of entering bills into their accounting system if they are just going to pay them immediately How does entering bills into your accounting system benefit you?  Entering bills into your books offers several benefits that can streamline your financial […]

How do I know if my Bank Reconciliation is Accurate?

bank reconciliations accruate

You have been doing the reconciliations in your accounting software but do not know if they are accurate. You do them because you have always heard that doing the bank reconciliations for your business accounts is important.  What is the purpose of reconciling your accounts? What should you look at when you are reconciling? How […]

What is a suspense account?

What is a suspense account

Have you ever noticed that some transactions in your books are being categorized to a suspense account? Suspense accounts can be confusing. You may have questions such as: What is the purpose of this account? When do you use it? Why does it have a balance?  We will discuss each of these questions one at […]

What are journal entries?

What are journal entries

Understanding journal entries can be confusing. Your accountant or bookkeeper has probably let you know that these are essential for your accounting. Why do you need journal entries? What are the components of a journal entry? When would you use a journal entry? We will discuss these questions and provide examples of when journal entries […]

How can I communicate better with my bookkeeper?

communicating bookkeeper telephone can

Do you ever feel like your bookkeeper is speaking another language? Or maybe it feels like they have an endless amount of questions. What do they even do while working on your books? If this situation sounds familiar, this article will assist you to find better ways to communicate with your bookkeeper and understand just […]

What are the challenges when you outsource your accounting?

It’s not possible to give every element of your construction business the time and attention it deserves. You’ve been trying to handle your finances on your own but it’s become overwhelming and you’re not even sure you’re doing everything right.  Wouldn’t you rather devote all your energy to things you excel at and actually enjoy?  […]

What is the General Ledger?

what is the general ledger

The general ledger tells the story of your business. It’s a collection of all your accounting transactions that can then be used to create reports, answer questions, and make key decisions.  And it’s one of our favorite things here at Beyond. But it’s possible you’re thinking, “what is the general ledger and why should I […]

Do I really need bank feeds in QuickBooks Online?

bank feeds in quickbooks online

We’ve talked before about the differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online (QBO). One of the biggest differences between the two systems is related to bank feeds in Quickbooks Online. Bank feeds automatically download activity in QBO and they can even categorize transactions from connected accounts. This means you no longer have to manually enter […]