Viewing Published Reports in Xero

As part of our ongoing services with Xero clients, we periodically generate reports. Xero makes it easy to deliver these reports to our clients. In this article, we will discuss how we share reports with our clients and the steps they can take for viewing published reports in Xero.

How it works

First, we save the reports in Xero as a Published report.

income statement viewing published reports in xero

When our client logs into Xero, to view reports they would navigate to Accounting>Reports>All Reports. Selecting the Published tab will bring up all the reports we have published for our client to see. You can see that the Income Statement we published from above is listed here. 

Report screen viewing published reports in xero

Any reports that are published remain static with the transactions that were in Xero when the report was generated.

What we love about using this feature is that we no longer need to save the report somewhere else and then email a link for our clients to download the reports. Everyone knows where all of the reports are at all times. Since an unlimited number of users are included in each Xero subscription, reports can be shared with others, such as the client’s CPA.

Viewing Published Reports in Xero is just one of many features where Xero is changing accounting. If you would like to learn more about how Xero can change accounting for your business, contact us for a consultation. 

Updated 8/31/2020