Category Archives: Help

Going Beyond: Expense Management

cactuses expense management

Besides having proof in the event of an audit, how does tracking expense receipts benefit you? At Beyond, our Expense Management Services not only simplify how you save your receipts but also help you use that information to make smarter business decisions. Let’s discuss how this service can enhance your company’s business strategy. Upload The […]

How do I track the different divisions of my business?

divisions business

Your business is growing, but you can’t isolate where the growth is coming from. Your financial reports don’t seem to have the answers you need. If that is the case, you may benefit from tracking different divisions of your business. How do you get started? Here are some helpful suggestions.  Decide what you want to […]

How do I know if my Bank Reconciliation is Accurate?

bank reconciliations accruate

You have been doing the reconciliations in your accounting software but do not know if they are accurate. You do them because you have always heard that doing the bank reconciliations for your business accounts is important.  What is the purpose of reconciling your accounts? What should you look at when you are reconciling? How […]

Four Steps to Ensure Accurate Year-End Reports

keys accurate year end reports

Financial reports are essential for understanding your business’ financial health. However, verifying their accuracy is critical to make informed decisions. Accurate reports at year end are incredibly useful to your tax accountant as well. Your financials can help them build a basis for an effective tax strategy throughout the year. In this article, we will […]

I am switching payroll providers – what should I know?

switching payroll blue chairs

You have decided it’s time to switch your payroll provider. After accessing your payroll needs and researching your options, you have settled on a solution. It should be smooth sailing from here on out – right?  Not so fast. Switching payroll service providers can be a big move for your business. Whether you’re doing it […]

How can I keep my money protected?

cash protected sunflower

Business is going well, and you have some substantial cash in your bank account. How do you keep it safe? In this article, we discuss some practical steps business owners can take to keep their money protected.  Open a savings account This first step seems almost too simple, but it is important. You may be […]

How can paying taxes be less painful?

paying taxes

You just received your business tax return. You are distressed because you owe taxes. Every year tax time is stressful because you are scrambling to come up with the money for the taxes owed. You promised yourself this would not happen again, but you do not know how to change things. Let’s discuss the positive […]

Which parts of my business are profitable?

profitable buckets

If you have been in business for a while, at some point, you will need to make the transition from surviving to thriving. One important way to get there is to identify which parts of your business are profitable. Many conversations with our clients revolve around this topic. We are sharing some of the suggestions […]

What to know before you enter a partnership

trees partnership

Starting a business is an exciting, if not overwhelming, venture. Starting a business with another person doesn’t have to be daunting. We discuss what you should know before you enter a business partnership. Just follow these steps and you can enter a business partnership with confidence. Ensure your values and goals align The will to […]

When should I create a budget?

You want to operate your business with less uncertainty and stress. A budget is a simple yet effective way to plan for your company’s future. When should you create a budget? This article discusses three common scenarios where budgets can be the most useful.  When planning for the next year You may be asking yourself, […]