If you are wanting more information than you normally get when it comes to your monthly financial reporting, Xero delivers some quite unique numbers that you will love to look forward to. There is “life” beyond the boring balance sheet and sometimes incomprehensible income statement, and here’s how Xero delivers. Executive Summary The Executive Summary […]
Author Archives: Cindy Hovig
Every sales lead is precious. It takes a lot to get people’s attention these days, and once a lead or prospect comes in your door, you’ve accomplished that hurdle, but now you have another one: getting the business. To ensure you can turn those prospects into paying customers as often as possible, here are three […]
As we move into the fall season and the final quarter of the year, it’s a perfect time to commit to a project in your business that will help you reach the year’s end in better shape. Here are five ideas: 1. Back-to-School Time If payroll expenses are one of the higher costs in your […]
Technology has allowed businesses to make substantial improvements in their customer invoicing processes. The good news is that when you implement these technologies, you will almost always get paid much faster. If it’s been a few years since the last time you’ve changed your accounts receivable processes, it’s time for a new look. Here are […]
Cash flow improvement is a hot issue for small businesses; in many businesses, it seems like there is never enough cash when you need it. The last thing a business owner wants is to reduce their cash balance unnecessarily. To help you preserve or increase your cash, here are five cash management leaks to avoid. […]
Running a business usually means putting in over 40 hours a week. In fact, if you’re the typical entrepreneur, you have more ideas you want to implement than you have time for! That’s when proactive, strategically executed prioritization can make all the difference. So Hard to Choose If you have lots of ideas in your […]
Just about every day, we read in the news that another company has been hacked. You might have already been directly affected by the password thefts at LinkedIn last year or Evernote this year. Or you might have had your own social media account, email, website, network, or computer hacked. Worse, many of you have […]
It’s common now to get alerts from your bank on your smartphone. It’s even fairly easy to find a good app where you can take credit card payments from your cell. But how about the rest of your mobile accounting needs? Finally, the solution is here with Xero Touch for the Android, iPhone, and iPad. […]
Hopefully, you’re already making backups of the data on your business server on a regular basis. It’s simple to set up data backups automatically and then forget about them until you need them. But have you ever looked around to see if there are any gaps in your backup strategy? Here are seven places to […]
We work hard for our money, and the last thing we need is to have it disappear due to fraud, hackers, or identity theft. Some people have called 2013 the year of the hacker, which is worrisome. But you’re far more likely to experience risks with disgruntled or financially desperate employees and contractors. Mistakes happen, […]