Category Archives: General Business

How does entering bills benefit me?

entering bills benefits

All small businesses have bills. Many small businesses feel that they don’t want the extra work of entering bills into their accounting system if they are just going to pay them immediately How does entering bills into your accounting system benefit you?  Entering bills into your books offers several benefits that can streamline your financial […]

Going Beyond: Insurance Management

insurance management garden gate

If you own a small business, you have business insurance. Depending on the type of business you own, the various kinds of insurance policies you need to carry may seem overwhelming. Fortunately, our team at Beyond can keep you organized with our insurance management services.  This article discusses the typical types of insurance a small […]

How do I track the different divisions of my business?

divisions business

Your business is growing, but you can’t isolate where the growth is coming from. Your financial reports don’t seem to have the answers you need. If that is the case, you may benefit from tracking different divisions of your business. How do you get started? Here are some helpful suggestions.  Decide what you want to […]

Going Beyond: Fixed Asset Management

fixed asset management pond

Here at Beyond Balanced Books, we aim to go further, or beyond, traditional bookkeeping. We actively look for ways to help our clients create the best outcome for their business. One way we do this is by providing fixed asset management services. What do fixed asset management services entail? And why should you be interested […]

How can I keep my money protected?

cash protected sunflower

Business is going well, and you have some substantial cash in your bank account. How do you keep it safe? In this article, we discuss some practical steps business owners can take to keep their money protected.  Open a savings account This first step seems almost too simple, but it is important. You may be […]

Which parts of my business are profitable?

profitable buckets

If you have been in business for a while, at some point, you will need to make the transition from surviving to thriving. One important way to get there is to identify which parts of your business are profitable. Many conversations with our clients revolve around this topic. We are sharing some of the suggestions […]

What is Depreciation?

depreciation old shed

You often hear about depreciation in reference to your taxes. What exactly is it though? Is it important? How does it affect your business? In this article, we will discuss what depreciation is and why should you care about it. Our goal is to make this mysterious accounting term easier to understand. What is depreciation? […]

What to know before you enter a partnership

trees partnership

Starting a business is an exciting, if not overwhelming, venture. Starting a business with another person doesn’t have to be daunting. We discuss what you should know before you enter a business partnership. Just follow these steps and you can enter a business partnership with confidence. Ensure your values and goals align The will to […]

How should I pay myself as an owner?

How should I pay myself?

When you work as an employee, things are simple; receive a paycheck and file your taxes at the end of the year. When you own a business, compensation becomes more complicated. How should you pay yourself as an owner? Let’s discuss four important questions to help you decide.   What is your business type? Depending on […]

Should I use Amazon Business?

Should I use Amazon Business?

You make dozens of purchases from Amazon for your business. But tracking and organizing those purchases is often a challenge. After all, you can purchase almost anything from Amazon! You know there must be a better way to manage your Amazon purchases. Amazon offers a Business Edition. What is Amazon Business? Is it a better […]