September Challenge

Coffee shop September challenge

Even though it is not officially Fall until later this month, most of us think of Labor Day as the end of summer. For those of us in California, this might seem a bit crazy as the weather in September and even October is usually still quite warm. Nevertheless, Fall is in the air!

Fall is a good time for beginnings. Maybe your kids just headed off to school and they are in a new grade or maybe they are away at college. Now is the time when both they and you are settling into a new routine. We have an idea for you:  look at the new season as a time for a fresh start. Maybe you set a lot of goals earlier this year, but with summer and even life, perhaps you lost some of your focus on those goals. Now is the perfect time to re-set with a fresh start.

We talk a lot about goals here at Beyond. I guess you could say we are a goal-orientated bunch. Oftentimes we have an abundance of goals and it can be overwhelming to know where to start.  So instead of having a hundred goals and working at everything at once, we challenge you to join us by picking one thing this month to work on. Maybe it’s work-related, maybe it’s personal. Whatever the case, choose ONE thing and try to do it every day, starting with today, for the next 30 days.

Here’s how you can join in on the September Challenge: Pick one thing to work on for the next 30 days and do it every day! It’s that simple! Here are a few ideas: 

  • Check your email only at designated email times (no more going down the email rabbit hole) 
  • Go on a walk every day (a personal favorite) 
  • No work after hours or on weekends (work-life balance)
  • Take a break from social media
  • Read something every day
  • Write down three things you are grateful for each day

We would love to hear if you accept the September challenge! Email us at [email protected].

Later this month I will be writing a post on how my first month of doing a walking challenge turned into something more and then it turned into something even more. I’m excited to tell you about it, but first I need to reach my ultimate goal of taking a walk every day for 100 days! I’m currently on day 84!