Category Archives: Fun

Words of Wisdom from the BBB Team- A Team Retreat Activity

In early May the Beyond Team had our second annual team retreat!  Since we all work remotely, it is nice to be able to get together.  For the retreat, everyone had a topic assigned to present to the rest of the team.  Our topics ranged from marketing, workflow, working with apps and even a team […]

100 Day Challenge

Walk 100 day challenge

Cindy recently wrote an article about how she walked for 30 days consecutively. She mentioned that she was inspired by Amy Vetter and how she talked about picking an activity you enjoy and committing to doing that activity every day for 30 days. The important part is that you do it every day whether the duration […]

Posted in Fun

Tales of a Globe-Trotting Bookkeeper

Two years ago, I was vaguely aware of the cloud. I knew the “cloud” existed, but it wasn’t the kind of cloud that had any sort of impact on my life, and I wasn’t terribly interested in finding out more about it. I was happily working in an office, elbowing my way through filing cabinets […]

Bullet Journaling for your Business

lady writing bullet journaling for business

Have you heard of the bullet journaling craze? It’s a really popular thing right now.  If you look on Pinterest and Instagram you will see beautiful journaling pages artfully designed and so creative. It can be overwhelming to look at because there are just so many different great ideas! I’m personally starting a bullet journal […]