Category Archives: Payroll

Going Beyond: Payroll Management

blueberries payroll management

At Beyond, we support not just business owners but also their teams. For many small business owners, their employees are like their family. They want to care for them the best way possible, and so do we.  One way we aim to help you care for your team is through our Payroll Management Services.  In […]

I am switching payroll providers – what should I know?

switching payroll blue chairs

You have decided it’s time to switch your payroll provider. After accessing your payroll needs and researching your options, you have settled on a solution. It should be smooth sailing from here on out – right?  Not so fast. Switching payroll service providers can be a big move for your business. Whether you’re doing it […]

How should I pay myself as an owner?

How should I pay myself?

When you work as an employee, things are simple; receive a paycheck and file your taxes at the end of the year. When you own a business, compensation becomes more complicated. How should you pay yourself as an owner? Let’s discuss four important questions to help you decide.   What is your business type? Depending on […]

Is it time to outsource my payroll?

coblestone bridge outsource payroll

You love having a team. When it comes time to pay them, it’s another story. Let’s face it – doing payroll is not fun. Cutting paychecks, paying federal and state payroll taxes, preparing and filing employment tax returns, managing benefits…it’s a dizzying array of tasks to keep track of! You may be wondering, is it […]

Do I need to save payroll records?

small chest save payroll records

You may never have given too much thought to the saving of your payroll records. There will be many times that you need them. Here we will share with you our recommendations regarding the saving of your payroll records. We’ll consider the answers to these questions:. Why should you save your payroll records?  When should […]

Employee or Contractor – How Do I Know?

doors Differences between employees and contractors

A common question from our clients is how to determine if a worker should be considered an employee or a contractor.  Typically, this issue comes up in the process of setting up a new business. Let’s explore some differences between employees and contractors to help you classify your workers properly. Why it matters Employees can […]

Challenge Accepted: Bring Order to My Messy Books [Part One]

tangled roots Challenge Accepted

We are going to zero in on six different challenges that affect almost all business owners at some point in time. This will be an ongoing series called Challenge Accepted. Over the next couple of months, we will discuss each challenge and give you some ideas and solutions for each challenge you encounter. Here is […]

Construction Payroll- Gusto to the Rescue!

stone house Construction payroll

We are continuing our series on those in the trades – specifically construction – and one area that those in the trades have special consideration is payroll. Payroll can feel hard. We get it. In the construction field, there are other factors to consider such as where your employees are, what jobs they are working […]

Get Ready for Year-End Bonuses!

gazebo Year-End Bonuses

One of the most common methods of showing appreciation to staff is by issuing year-end bonuses. Your employees work very hard, and as a business owner, you want to reward their efforts.  While paying a bonus to your employees may sound simple, both federal and state agencies have rules regarding the taxability of these types […]