Category Archives: General Business

Do I need to save bank statements?

house do I need to save bank statements

You receive bank statements every month either electronically or in the mail. Saving all your statements seems unnecessary. Do you really need to save them? Keeping your bank statements is always a good idea. What are the benefits of holding onto your bank statements? Is there any way to make statement storage simpler?  We will […]

Are your accounting reports accurate?

mismatch 1 accounting reports accurate

You know you need accurate information to make good business decisions. You have been using an accounting system and are able to generate reports. Your reports should provide you with the information you need but you are unsure if your numbers are accurate. Two of the most common accounting reports are the balance sheet and the profit […]

What happened to my profit?

bucket my profit

According to your profit and loss (also known as an income statement), your business is showing a profit. However, when you look at your bank balance, it shows a lot less than the amount of profit you supposedly made. What happened to your profit?  When reviewing reports with our clients, this question comes up often. […]

Do I need to save receipts?

For most every purchase, you receive a receipt, either paper or electronic. They pile up and you do not know what to do with them. Do you really need to save all your receipts?  In short: a resounding YES. While saving every receipt may sound tedious, the advantages far outweigh any inconvenience. Here are some […]

Creating a Budget During a Crisis

During these challenging times, why even try to tackle a budget? It may sound strange but having a budget contributes to your peace of mind. With so many unknowns, creating a budget can help you feel more grounded and aware of what your financial situation actually is. Essentially when you create a budget you are […]

New Year – New You: Setting Goals in 2020

It is hard to believe that we have just embarked on a brand new decade. I don’t know about you but I cannot say or think about the year 2020 without thinking about vision. Seeing clearly is, of course, very important to our day to day life. It is also essential that you have a […]

Prepare for Year-end: Know Your Deadlines

Updated April 27, 2020 “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”  – Douglas Adams I have to agree with my good pal Doug here – keeping track of deadlines is hard! For some business owners, it’s a full-time job. You have project deadlines for customers, payroll deadlines for […]

Tools of the Trade

Most professions have “tools of the trade” that they use, and bookkeeping is no exception.  I was recently reminded of how I love talking about and using such tools while attending the QuickBooks Connect accounting technology conference in San Jose in November.   One of my favorite things to do at such conferences is to find […]