Author Archives: Cindy Hovig

App Spotlight:

logo add-on

We enjoy talking about the add-ons that we love and that we use regularly. Today we are featuring the payment app Read along and find out why we love and why we recommend it to our clients.  The challenge that many business owners face is that bill paying can be painful! Writing checks or […]

Challenge Accepted: How To Set Up Your Business Properly [Part Two]

This is the second part of a six-part series discussing some of the challenges that affect almost all business owners at one point or another.  The first part of the series was on Bringing Order to My Messy Books.  Today’s topic is talking about how to set up your business properly. Challenge It is a […]

Tips to Help you with Your Business Budget

Piggy bank tips for budget

Oftentimes this is the time of year that businesses are working on their budget and planning and forecasting for the year. We work with many small businesses that use budgets and would like to share with you three tips that can help you with your budget. These are: Pay attention to your sales cycle Leave […]

Challenge Accepted: Bring Order to My Messy Books [Part One]

tangled roots Challenge Accepted

We are going to zero in on six different challenges that affect almost all business owners at some point in time. This will be an ongoing series called Challenge Accepted. Over the next couple of months, we will discuss each challenge and give you some ideas and solutions for each challenge you encounter. Here is […]

How to Stop Being a Procrastinator

snail stop being a procrastinator

It seems like there are three types of people out there when it comes to year-end and procrastinating. Which one would you classify yourself as? Uber prepared – You have been preparing for year-end all year long! You have a checklist of what you need to do and everything is tidy and organized, just like […]

Change is Hard – Three Secrets To Crushing Change in 2019

As we start a new year, we generally like to tackle it with new year goals and aspirations. I generally write an article about the new year, making new goals, and thinking about what you want to accomplish this year. I love making goals and motivating others to find their goals and go for them. I’m […]

Three Benefits of Moving Your Bookkeeping to the Cloud

clouds Moving your bookkeeping to the cloud

I know you probably think Beyond Balanced Books invented the cloud for all we talk about it. But we just can’t help ourselves! We just love the cloud and love how it makes both our and our clients lives so much easier. We would like to share with you three reasons why you should consider […]