Oftentimes this is the time of year that businesses are working on their budget and planning and forecasting for the year. We work with many small businesses that use budgets and would like to share with you three tips that can help you with your budget. These are: Pay attention to your sales cycle Leave […]
Category Archives: Goals
As we start a new year, we generally like to tackle it with new year goals and aspirations. I generally write an article about the new year, making new goals, and thinking about what you want to accomplish this year. I love making goals and motivating others to find their goals and go for them. I’m […]
Even though it is not officially Fall until later this month, most of us think of Labor Day as the end of summer. For those of us in California, this might seem a bit crazy as the weather in September and even October is usually still quite warm. Nevertheless, Fall is in the air! Fall is […]
I attended Accountex in September in Boston. One of the presentations I especially enjoyed was given by Amy Vetter. The topic was on work-life harmony. My key take-away was when Amy talked about picking an activity you enjoy and committing to doing that activity every day for 30 days. That the duration of the activity […]
September is here! Oh, how I love September. What is it about September that I love so much? The start of September and the little signs of Fall bring me back to the days of going back to school. I loved going back to school. I loved to learn and I loved getting back into […]
Spring has sprung! There is something about Spring that makes me want to clean. The urge generally doesn’t last too long, so I try to do my Spring cleaning when I feel the motivation. Spring is a good time to look at your bookkeeping, email, and even your desk, to see what could use some […]
January is here and before you know it it will be February! Time flies when you’re working hard doesn’t it? You know, I actually like Mondays. I know what you are thinking and you are probably thinking, “Why would anyone like a Monday?” Well, I’m here to tell you why, and maybe you will like […]