Category Archives: Bookkeeping

Go Paperless to Spark Joy

Most people are aware of Marie Kondo, the Japanese organizing consultant who has set off a decluttering craze across the globe. Marie Kondo is all about cleaning up your life and having less clutter. Described as a state of mind and a way of life, the KonMari Method™  emphasizes you to treasure items that “spark […]

App Spotlight:

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We enjoy talking about the add-ons that we love and that we use regularly. Today we are featuring the payment app Read along and find out why we love and why we recommend it to our clients.  The challenge that many business owners face is that bill paying can be painful! Writing checks or […]

1099-MISC: Frequently Asked Questions

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It’s that time of year again! We’re watching 2018 come to a close and at Beyond we are reminded of the many necessary tasks that accompany the end of the year. One of these is the filing of 1099-MISC and other information returns. Below are some frequently asked questions that we’ve received in the past […]

Four Signs That You Need to Hire a Bookkeeper

help signs to hire a bookkeeper

In a survey of over 300 small business owners from Clutch, a leading BRB research company, nearly 95% of owners said they were confident in the accuracy of their financial records. While a business owner may think their records are fine, they usually are not aware of a problem until their accountant questions their records […]

Eliminate Paper with Google Drive

paper airplane paper with Google Drive

Before becoming a virtual accountant, I worked in an accounting department for a development firm. One of the larger divisions of this firm was the custom construction of single-family homes. The craftsmanship of the final project was spectacular. Processing and filing the build paperwork? Not so much. One custom home could have several boxes of […]

Beyond Back To Basics – What is an Income Statement?

An Income Statement is one of the most common reports in accounting.  As a business owner, you have no doubt looked at your income statement. But we like to get back to basics here at Beyond, so we are discussing:  What is an income statement?  What should you look at when reviewing your income statement?  And how can you […]

The Modern Contractor’s Toolbox

tools modern contractor's toolbox

Every skilled craftsman carries a toolbox. Big or small, a toolbox stores all the tools you need for the project at hand. It protects your tools from damage and keeps them organized, which can save you valuable time. Technology has brought many changes to trade businesses. As a result, the traditional toolbox for contractors has […]

Xero the Hero: How To Copy an Invoice

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Today we are talking about how to copy an invoice in Xero. Have you ever wanted to charge one of your customers for something very similar that you have billed them before? Perhaps you do work for someone once a year. You could just copy the invoice from last year and only edit the dates. This is […]

The Comparison: The Cloud vs. Desktop Accounting

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As an individual, I would not be termed an early-adopter. I’m cautious about new technology. I wait until it’s been tested, recommended, and proven to be easy to use and extremely convenient. I am a millennial, but I preferred paperbacks and hardcovers to eBooks. I filled notebooks during classes and lectures. I was trained in […]

Tales of a Globe-Trotting Bookkeeper

Two years ago, I was vaguely aware of the cloud. I knew the “cloud” existed, but it wasn’t the kind of cloud that had any sort of impact on my life, and I wasn’t terribly interested in finding out more about it. I was happily working in an office, elbowing my way through filing cabinets […]