Category Archives: Bookkeeping

Beyond Announced as One of Hubdoc’s Top 50 Accountants for 2017

Hubdoc's Top 50 Accountants

We are excited to announce that Cindy and the Beyond Team were named as one of the Hubdoc’s Top 50 Cloud Accountants for 2017 for the fourth year in a row!  Hubdoc is a secure document storage application that converts your financial documents into useable data. With the ability to auto-fetch bank statements, bills, and […]

Xero The Hero: Machine Learning in Bill Entering

We talk a lot about “machine learning” at Beyond and in our everyday life. It seems to have become a buzzword these days, but have you ever wondered what exactly is “machine learning”? We have too. For the purpose of this discussion let’s define what it is a focus on how Xero uses machine learning […]

Getting Ready for Year-End

path getting ready for year end

Although the 4th Quarter has barely begun, the Beyond Team has been busy getting ready for year-end. At our firm, the first four months of the year requires “all hands on deck”. We find that year-end goes most smoothly when transactions and reconciliations are up-to-date before the actual end of the year. As the old […]

Xero the Hero: Transfer Bank Rules

We have all been eagerly awaiting bank transfer rules. We are so excited to find out that this Xero update has been released! What exactly are bank transfer rules and why are we so excited about them?  What are Transfer Rules? Bank transfer rules are basically bank rules for bank transfers and credit card payments. […]

Automation in Xero Part II – Default Settings

typing default settings

We are continuing our series on how to get more automated within Xero. Earlier this month, in Part One, we discussed how to use repeating invoices. This week, we will focus on how you can use Xero’s default settings to save you even more time! Xero’s Default Settings When we talk about default settings, we […]

Will Robots Take My Job?

I stumbled upon a website called “Will Robots Take My Job?” The website sources its data from a 2013 report about the future of employment. Using the website is pretty simple; you enter your job or industry, and you receive an “automation risk level” for how likely your job could be replaced by a robot. […]

Automation in Xero Part I- Repeating Invoices

rice rows repeating invoices

Automation is ever important in our world today. We all want more time, but seem only to have less of it. By making our lives more streamlined and automated we can save time.  Saving time can lead to saving money too. Over the next few weeks, we will be discussing ways that you can be […]

Do You Want To Get Paid Faster? Xero Hour Recap

Everyone wants to get paid faster. Last month at Xero Hour San Jose we discussed ways to get paid faster. It was a lot of fun! In case you weren’t able to make it to Xero Hour in June, we will summarize a few of the points we discussed. We talked about different payment solutions that integrate […]

Time for Spring Cleaning of Your Business!

Spring has sprung! There is something about Spring that makes me want to clean. The urge generally doesn’t last too long, so I try to do my Spring cleaning when I feel the motivation. Spring is a good time to look at your bookkeeping, email, and even your desk, to see what could use some […]