Category Archives: Bookkeeping

Why Hire a Bookkeeper?

You have done it!  You started a business and now you are considering hiring a bookkeeper. You might be asking:  What benefits are there if I hire a bookkeeper? Would you like to have more time? Would you like your records to always be current?  Would you like your records to be accurate? And is […]

Can I do my books myself?

As a person who enjoys crafts, there is a particular pleasure in being able to make something yourself.  If you are a small business owner, your business is like a craft project: an idea that was brought to life through hard work and creativity. So it’s common that when business owners contact us, they have […]

Which Reports Should I Look at?

Reviewing four reports on a regular basis

Without a doubt, knowing what is going on in your business is of utmost importance to you. Which reports should you look at to find this information? To get a comprehensive idea of how your business is performing, we recommend reviewing four reports on a regular basis – the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, the […]

What is the Difference Between Accrual and Cash Basis Reports?

When you receive reports from your bookkeeper, you may have noticed that they usually include the words “Accrual Basis” or “Cash Basis” somewhere below the title of the report. What do these mysterious words mean?  What is Accrual Basis? Reports in accrual basis are pulling information from your accounting system based on when income or […]

Meals, Travel and Entertainment Expenses, Oh My!

One of the most misunderstood business expenses are those related to travel, meals, and entertainment. It can be hard to know how to classify these types of expenses because often the line can be a little blurry on what type of expense it actually is. Understanding these types of expenses is even more important now, […]

Bookkeeping is like Storytelling

Imagine that the story of your life is being written right now. What you do every day and how it affects other aspects of your life is being chronicled at this very moment. Your history is being recorded for the benefit of future generations. The only problem is it’s being written in a language that […]

Words of Wisdom from the BBB Team- A Team Retreat Activity

In early May the Beyond Team had our second annual team retreat!  Since we all work remotely, it is nice to be able to get together.  For the retreat, everyone had a topic assigned to present to the rest of the team.  Our topics ranged from marketing, workflow, working with apps and even a team […]

Go Paperless to Spark Joy

Most people are aware of Marie Kondo, the Japanese organizing consultant who has set off a decluttering craze across the globe. Marie Kondo is all about cleaning up your life and having less clutter. Described as a state of mind and a way of life, the KonMari Method™  emphasizes you to treasure items that “spark […]

App Spotlight:

logo add-on

We enjoy talking about the add-ons that we love and that we use regularly. Today we are featuring the payment app Read along and find out why we love and why we recommend it to our clients.  The challenge that many business owners face is that bill paying can be painful! Writing checks or […]

1099-MISC: Frequently Asked Questions

forms frequently asked questions 1099

It’s that time of year again! We’re watching 2018 come to a close and at Beyond we are reminded of the many necessary tasks that accompany the end of the year. One of these is the filing of 1099-MISC and other information returns. Below are some frequently asked questions that we’ve received in the past […]